
About ZebraShare

ZebraShare is a resource for researchers to share information about and advertise high quality mutant fish lines that they have generated but are not currently studying, such as those with no observed phenotype.

This information will help prevent unnecessary duplication of effort between labs. Understanding which single genes seem dispensable will also help researchers converge on genes or gene combinations which are developmentally important.

We ask that you share well-characterized lines with a confirmed lesion, carried to at minimum the F2 generation.

Contribution via ZebraShare does not constitute a publication, and labs of origination maintain full rights to the lines they generate. After listing fish on ZebraShare, labs may decide to pursue these lines again. If fish lines are shared through ZebraShare, there is an explicit expectation that collaborating labs will discuss appropriate authorship if research culminates in presentations or publications.

All ZebraShare alleles will be publicly visible at ZFIN.

For more details, visit the ZebraShare home page: https://zfin.org/action/zebrashare

How to submit data to ZebraShare:

  1. Go to the ZebraShare home page:
  2. Download the ZebraShare Submission Workbook
    • Click on “Download Submission Workbook” on the ZebraShare page (Fig. 1)
  3. Fill out the ZebraShare Submission Workbook
    • Go to the “Enter Your Data Here” tab in the Workbook and fill out all the details for your alleles (Fig. 2)
    • Details about mutation/variant types and information required for submitting mutant coordinates can be found here
  4. Submit the Submission Workbook to ZFIN
    • Log into ZFIN and return to the ZebraShare page
    • Click on the "Submit Completed Workbook" button (Fig. 3)
    • Fill out the "Submit ZebraShare Workbook" Form:
      1. Your name and e-mail address will be automatically filled in based on your ZFIN login.
      2. Fill in the authors, title, and abstract for your submission
      3. Specify who is authorized to edit the alleles (Fig. 4)
      4. Attach the ZebraShare Submission Workbook and any additional image files to the Form (Fig. 5). Acceptable file formats are png, jpeg, jpg and gif.
      5. Submit the form, which will automatically create a ZFIN submission record.
  5. After your data submission is complete:
    • You will receive a notification that your data was successfully submitted, with a link to your ZebraShare “publication” (Fig. 6)
    • ZFIN curators will process this submission as part of their high priority literature curation workflow.
      • You may be contacted if curators have questions during the processing of your submission.
    • An allele record will be created by ZFIN curators for each allele submitted.
    • The line submitter and others they specify will be able to add/edit some of the details associated with their alleles.
      1. To access your submission, sign in to ZFIN. A user icon will appear on the right-hand side of the ZFIN page. Hover the mouse over the icon to see a menu. Select “Your ZebraShare submissions” from the menu. (Fig. 7)
      2. On the “Your ZebraShare submissions” page, you will see the “publication ID” of your submission, and links to “View” or “Edit” the alleles you submitted (Fig. 8)
      3. Click on “Edit” to edit these fields for your mutant (Fig. 9):
        1. Functional consequence
        2. Adult viable
        3. Maternal zygosity examined
        4. NMD Apparent
        5. Currently available
        6. Other line information (free text)

How to find ZebraShare alleles and submissions in ZFIN:

You can find all ZebraShare alleles in ZFIN using single-box search. In the Mutation/Tg category, select the “Is ZebraShare” option:


You can find all ZebraShare submissions in ZFIN using single box search. In the Publication category, go to the Journal option, and select ZebraShare:


ZFIN would like to thank April De Laurier and Jared Talbot for their help in developing ZebraShare.

You can contact us at zfinadmn@zfin.org

Figure 1. Download the Submission Workbook from the ZebraShare home page.

Figure 2. Go to the “Enter Your Data Here” tab in the Submission Workbook and fill out the details for your mutant(s).

Figure 3. When ready to submit your data, return to the ZebraShare page, log in, and click on “Submit Completed Workbook”.

Figure 4. Fill out the “Submit ZebraShare Workbook” form.

  • Your name, e-mail address and lab will be visible in the “Submitter” and “Lab of Origin” sections.
  • Fill in the authors, title, and abstract for your submission.
  • Specify who can edit information about your submission.

Figure 5. Attach your Submission Workbook and images (in png, jpeg, jpg or gif format) in the “Files” section. Click “Submit” to submit your workbook to ZFIN.

Figure 6. You will receive notification that your data submission was received, with a link to your ZebraShare “publication”.

Figure 7. You can access, view and edit your ZebraShare submissions from the ZFIN home page when logged in.

Figure 8. You can View or Edit your submission following the appropriate link.

Figure 9. Click on “Edit” to edit information about your mutant.