Zencode-ITN: 15 PhD positions are available in a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network

The Zencode-ITN (www.birmingham.ac.uk/zencode-itn) aims to improve career perspectives of early-stage researchers (ESR) in both public and private sectors. The scientific focus of the Zencode-ITN consortium is to understand genome regulation through combined experimental and computational approaches in a model vertebrate. The consortium recognises the urgent need for highly skilled young scientists trained in both computational biology and experimental wet lab biology. This network provides multi-disciplinary skills for a solid foundation in computational biology and developmental genomics. We aim to comprehensively annotate functional epigenetic and transcribed elements, decipher genomic codes of transcription, as well as coding and non-coding gene function during vertebrate development and enhance zebrafish as an attractive developmental, comparative genomic and disease model. The participants include major zebrafish genomics laboratories, eminent computational biologists and world-class genomics technology experts. The training program is designed for 15 ESRs to train for PhD (3 years), with more than 40 intersectoral and interdisciplinary secondments available, 7 training courses and 2 workshops/conferences.


Network Partners:


birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/cem/RGD/Mueller-Ferenc.aspx, birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/biosciences/kanhere-aditi.aspx

IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, UK csc.mrc.ac.uk/research-group/computational-regulatory-genomics/

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE, Münster, Germany vaquerizaslab.org




UNIVERSITY OF LIEGE, BELGIUM http://www.giga.ulg.ac.be/jcms/c_2129024/fr/home

IDIBAPS, BARCELONA, SPAIN idibaps.org, betacellregulation.net/

Wellcome TRUST Sanger Institute, UK sanger.ac.uk/research/faculty/dstemple/

Karlsruhe InstitutE OF Technologie, GERMANY itg.kit.edu/straehle.php

RIKEN,YOKOHAMA, JAPAN riken.jp/en/research/labs/clst/genom_tech/

BGI EUROPE/UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN, DENMARK bgitechsolutions.com,  albinsandelin.wix.com/sandelinlab



Applicants of any nationality must, at the time of recruitment be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers after the degree, which would entitle them to embark on a doctorate. Due to mobility requirement, only individuals who have not been resident in the host country for more than 12 months in the last 3 years may apply. Deadline: 1st  March 2015. The network will operate an Equal Opportunities recruitment policy and female candidates are encouraged to apply. Students are employed and receive salaries are at ITN ESR grade.

Informal enquiries

Ferenc Mueller, f.mueller@bham.ac.uk, or directly at the host laboratories listed above.